TShark [THM] writeup
Room link: https://tryhackme.com/room/tshark
Task 1: Pre-Reqs (This is about installation and some usage about tshark)
Task 2: Reading PCAP Files (Firstly, I have downloaded the file given for the task. Btw all the answer is in the hints)
I opened the folder where i downloaded dns.cap file and opened terminal.
i read the walk-through write up and attended to solve the flag. so
ques 1: How many packets are in the dns.cap file?
tshark -r dns.cap | wc -l
ques 2: How many A records are in the capture? (Including responses)
tshark -r dns.cap -Y "dns.qry.type == 1" | wc -l
ques 3: Which A record was present the most?
tshark -r dns.cap -Y “dns.qry.type == 1” -T fields -e dns.qry.name
Task 3:- DNS Exfil ( I downloaded the attached file and saved it as dns.pcap)
Opened terminal at the file directory.
ques 1: How many packets are in this capture?
tshark -r dns.pcap | wc -l
ques 2: How many DNS queries are in this pcap? (Not responses!)
tshark -r dns.pcap -Y “dns.flags.response == 0” | wc -l
ques 3: What is the DNS transaction ID of the suspicious queries (in hex)?
tshark -r dns.pcap -Y “dns.flags.response == 0”
output form this command and i checked dns id column and it was 0xbe**
ques 4: What is the string extracted from the DNS queries?
tshark -r dns.pcap -Y "dns.qry.type == 1" -T fields -e dns.qry.name
this showed me some address. i looked at the subdomains which where different .
I copied them all and pasted in Visual studio code . Then I replaced
.m4lwhere.org with blank space.
Then i replaced new line . here is the regular expression
with blank space.
After this i have a 125 character output ( * for Do it yourself ;p)
I saw that there is sequenced character which are same, so i only keep 1 character at a time like there is MMM and I made it M … QQ i made it Q. but there is some single character also I didnt change them. then I got a output like this ( * for do it youself ;p )
ques 4: What is the flag?
I just decoded the previous output from Base32, which gave me the flag